As from the start, we again contributed to the 4th edition of the Basle Commentary on the Swiss Penal Code with more than 300 pages (Basler Kommentar StGB), by commenting on the articles 180-186, 303-310 and 319 of the Swiss Criminal Code, namely
Threatening behaviour,
Forced marriage, Forced registered partnership,
Trafficking in human beings,
False imprisonment (deprivation of liberty) and abduction (kidnapping),
Aggravating circumstances,
Hostage taking,
Enorced disappearance,
Unlawful entry,
False accusation,
Misleading the judicial authorities,
Assisting offenders,
Perjury by a party to civil proceedings,
Perjury. Perjury by an expert witnjess. False translation,
Mitigations of the sentence,
Administrative cases and proceedings before international courts,
Assisting prisoners to escape,
Prison mutiny,
Assistance by a public official in the escape of prisoners.