Legal Education and Professional Experience of
lic.iur. Bernhard Rüdy
- Law studies at the University Zurich and the Università Statale di Milano / Italy
- Court clerk at the District Court of Zurich and the High Court of Zurich
- 1970 Admission to the Bar of the Canton of Zurich
- 1971 – 1976 First court clerk at the District Court of Zurich
- 1976 Attorney-at-law and partner at law firm Luck Wyss Rüdy, later Wyss Rüdy Hohler
- 1991-2015 Merging with Dr. Vera Delnon
- since 2015 Expert Consultant for Delnon Rechtsanwälte
Other professional activities
- Lecturer at various seminars on criminal procedure law, public personnel law
- 1972 – 1975 Secretary of the Committee for a new Criminal Procedure Law Code of the Canton of Zurich
- 1977 – 2004 President of the United Staff Associations of the Canton of Zurich (VPV)
- 1977 – 2004 President of the Association of Government Employees of the Canton of Zurich (VStA)
- Secretary of the first Parliamentary enquiry committee (PUK) of the City of Zurich (concerning the „Meier 19“ case)
- 1986 – 1991 Board member of the Zurich Bar Association (ZAV)
- Since 1990 delegate of the Zurich Bar Association to the Swiss Bar Association (SAV)
Publications (selection)
- 2013, 2007 and 2002 1st to 3rd edition of the Basler Kommentars on the Swiss Penal Code, co-author of art. 180-186, 303-311 and 319 (together with Dr. Vera Delnon)
- Yearbook „Schweizerische Vereinigung für Verwaltungsorganisationsrecht“ (SVVOR) 2012: Administrativuntersuchungen und ihre dienstrechtlichen Konsequenzen
- Yearbook SVVOR 2007: Die Besonderheiten des öffentlichen Dienstrechts im Bereich der kantonalen Polizei
- Anwaltsrevue 2007: Der neue AT/StGB aus der Sicht der Strafverteidigung
- Festschrift for Franz Riklin 2007: Die Höhe des Tagessatzes gemäss Art. 34 Abs. 2 StGB (together with Dr. Vera Delnon)
- Anniversary publication of the Association of Government Employees of the Canton of Zurich 1902-2002 (preface and overall guidance)
- AJP 2000: Wann ruht die Verjährung? (Together with Dr. Vera Delnon)
- Festschrift 125 Years Court of Cassation of the Canton of Zurich: Zurechtgerichtet (together with Dr. Vera Delnon)
- Swiss Journal of Criminal Law 1998: Strafbare Beweisführung? (Together with Dr. Vera Delnon)
- Swiss Journal of Criminal Law 1989: Untersuchungsführung und Strafverteidigung (together with Dr. Vera Delnon)
- Co-author / -publisher of the Card Index on criminal procedure law in Zurich